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Monday 6 March 2017

Low Carb diet aimed at helping women fall pregnant

Two Melbourne dieticians have developed a new diet to help overweight women who are struggling to become pregnant.

The research found reducing carbohydrates can help boost fertility; with a low carb diet used in short busts before couples try to conceive.

Soon-to-be mother-of-two Elizabeth Hearn said the road to motherhood was challenging before she adopted the low carb diet.

“Trying to fall pregnant naturally was really tricky,” she said.

“Month by month, as a lot of women know, it’s really hard and emotional.”

Doctors say Elizabeth’s weight affected her fertility, but after using the low carb diet, she fell pregnant with her second child in just eight weeks.

“It was incredible, the feeling of becoming pregnant so quickly,” she said.

According to the diet, overweight women should reduce carbohydrates like potatoes, bread and pasta by 45 per cent, and eat more fish, nuts and low starch vegetables.

“About 60 per cent of people who are overweight or obese have insulin resistance and insulin resistance impacts our fertility hormones, things like oestrogen,” dietician Melanie McGrice said.

With one in six couples now struggling to fall pregnant, experts believe a simple diet change – with a doctor’s support - could boost the fertility chances.

Low carb will probably reduce the risk of gestational diabetes too


1 comment:

Magic Love Crow said...

Very, very interesting!!!