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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Is it me or does my bum look big in this penguin suit ?


Lowcarb team member said...

Looks like she's been PUMPED up!!!


Lowcarb team member said...

I think she’s got her old friend Tubolard in there with her. Either that or it’s too much insulin and carbs.

penguin fan said...

Ah I think this penguin looks sweet.

Lowcarb team member said...


How does one chose their words carefully?

Don't forget I may be a T1 but I am still Tarred with the Same Brush!

If I hadn't chosen my words carefully, then I wouldn't have followed through with an explanation of why the stereo typical image doesn't always fit..."

Is the lad with U2 now ?


Jokar said...

"If I had chosen my words carefully then I would not have made myself look such and idiot!"

Lowcarb team member said...

Lets not forget Jopar is a renowned self proclaimed expert on Type2 diabetes after all this is what she said to me...

"As to what I do and do not know about T2 diabetes, and where I should or shouldn't post on this forum, is not up to you to determin this, as I know as much about T2 diabetes and one hell of a lot about extreme low carb diets as you do if not more..."

Unforgettable Jopar Quotes


phonyeix said...

I do protest it is I phonyeix that is the leading expert on T2 diabetes, jopar is a mere amateur compared to me...


Nullius in verba

Anonymous said...

"Don't forget I may be a T1 but I am still Tarred with the Same Brush!"

In other words type twos are fat lazy slobs who brought it on themselves.

I'd like to see jopar tarred and "feathered".

Anonymous said...

"I really cannot believe you meant the statement in the manner it implies. Please confirm to me and all the other T2's you didn't mean it in that way."

Jopar has not replied to this from xyzzy, so we all know what she thinks of us type 2s.


Anonymous said...

catherinecherub said this on the over diagnosis thread.

"The original poster is still getting his kicks because it is still being debated and people are getting very personal on this thread."

I'm not surprised people are getting personal given Jopars comments.

Anonymous said...

The penguin suit is quite appropriate as Jopar should "Take her Ass to the south Pole" miles away from the forum.

Lowcarb team member said...

Jopar the biggest know it all on the forum, and as rude as the bonkers one. If she spent as much time helping her husband, as she spends meddling in type two‘s conversations, a subject she clearly knows nothing about, they wouldn’t need the services of a hypo sensing dog, paramedics and the Police to assist her.

She has spent four years trying to stifle good debates, that’s when she is not over at Carbo’s blog spreading lies.

She once stated on the forum “If I followed Fergus’ or Eddie’s diet I would be dead” Perhaps she might ponder why Fergus although older, looks twenty years younger. As for my looks, modesty forbids.


Lowcarb team member said...

Anyone got the answer ? Who writes Jopar’s good posts ? One post looks like it was constructed by an Oxford Don, followed by a post thrown together by a drunken Irishman on St. Patrick’s night. (No disrespect to the Irish) but we need to be told !


Anonymous said...

Shame there isn't a "Drop the Troll into Room 101" option on then us type 2's can just get on with it undisturbed.Happy penguin? My arse!!

Anonymous said...

A thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters?

Anonymous said...

"Anyone got the answer ? Who writes Jopar’s good posts ? One post looks like it was constructed by an Oxford Don, followed by a post thrown together by a drunken Irishman on St. Patrick’s night. (No disrespect to the Irish) but we need to be told !"

I'd say it's because the crack ain't as even as it use to be.(No disrespect to the Irish)

Anonymous said...

Happy penguin? My arse!!

Whats her problem. Why is her attitude so against people that control their diabetes without drugs.

Anonymous said...

Latest from jopar.

"I've walked in both shoes!

I was treated as a T2 diabetic, but was misdiagnosed as I'm actually a T1 diabetic.. So I do know what it's actually like to be both!

But I've also dealt with T2's when I worked in the care field, and yes there were many who suffered and could be classed as non-compliant! Not in the reason that a lot of here might think, that they were following the dietary advice given by the NHS... Didn't matter what advice they were given they weren't going to follow it Interestingly I dealt with 100's and 100's of T2's but yes some had complications, but not one I actually dealt with where amputee's the only diabetic amputee I dealt with was actually a T1 who had a passion for chocolate and choccy biscuits and would munch these all day! they had lost all their toes..."

Would any sane type 2 want to be treated by jopar?

Anonymous said...

No way! First there was the Riddler and now we have the Joker,erm,i mean Jopar! What and who next eh?

Anonymous said...

Jopar wrote.."I was treated as a T2 diabetic, but was misdiagnosed as I'm actually a T1 diabetic.. So I do know what it's actually like to be both!"

Oh,that makes all your comments alright then? Boo!¬¬

Anonymous said...

Penguins wear shoes! were they made of seal skin.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at duk. Jopar is logged in 24 hours a day.What kind of life has she.

Lowcarb team member said...

Right you extreme low carbers stop this fibbing...

"So combining all this information then there are a lot of extreme low carbers who are fibbing about their actual intake of carbs and the true effect of the portions sizes they are eating… And when it comes to tackling weight issues, even Atkins says that you increase your carbohydrate intake after an induction period! To maintain weight lose but a lot of people seem to miss little part!
No wonder some never hit the weight goal and stock up their medication, and well because the verdict on whether extreme low carbing is or isn’t healthy long term they decide to play safe and take supplements just in case!

Strange isn't my medication hasn't increased over the years, but others who swear by the extreme low carb method has!"


Anonymous said...

Well at least the penguin is keeping fit and active by dancing - does its owner? A little excercise is good for us all.

Anonymous said...

"Strange isn't my medication hasn't increased over the years, but others who swear by the extreme low carb method has!"

Why on earth would a Type1 on an extreme low carb diet need to increase medication!!!

If she's referring to Type2 then yes due to the progressive nature in time medications may be needed no matter what diet is followed, but low carb is the best way to slow the progress and keep complications at bay.


Anonymous said...

The womans an idiot check out the latest @dcuk.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this on carbos blog, someone who says there a DCUK mod.

"Ah, dear old Eddie. The man who just hasnt realised his time is past. He only ever has the balls to post derogatory comments about people like jopar, catherinecherub, nigel and sid bonkers. He continues to ridicule ken and his (+sue) new forum. He is just a stuck record, a miserable excuse for humanity and definitely not someone most right thinking people would not want to be associated with. Shame on those who subscribe to his piss poor blog, diatribe!"

"A DCUK mod name witheld for obvious reasons"


Lowcarb team member said...

"A DCUK mod name witheld for obvious reasons"

That narrows it down then! perhaps this "mod" should have a look round the piss poor blog the've posted on and see the derogatory comments made about some of the members of the DCUK forum, and of course kenny has also done the same on his forum?

So come then mod are you not going to condem the comments on tub/carbos blog and kennys forum or are you just a miserable excuse for humanity?


Not a DCUK mod said...

"A DCUK mod name witheld for obvious reasons"

The finger of suspicion points at daisy.

A DCUK forum member name witheld for obvious reasons.

Lowcarb team member said...

Do you mean Miss cut and paste, the word game star AKA Kens recruitment mole. We need to be told.


Anonymous said...

Osidge is another mod to consider he was well in with cugila.