From the ABC forum today.
“Sorry Ms Steak......that Blog is firmly off limits here. Somebody might provide a link for you but I wouldn't go near it unless I was fully suited up and had masses of disinfectant. It is revolting. It's main aim seems to target us and any other individuals who like to see a balanced view on Fora about Diabetes. Something you definitely won't find in the blog.
Sue and I are still under attack to this day on there and the lies and made up posts abound on there. We fought a long battle with the 'sick' owner and his pals with the backing of the then Admin on DCUK. When the Admin changed it was apparent they were not going to back us........perhaps they too believe the bile, from what can only be described as a sad, sick individual.....ably assisted by a few like minded cronies”
More lies Ken. We have not attacked Sue, indeed, we have complimented her on this blog. You have used her at every opportunity. As the 'sick' owner of this blog. Have you forgotten how you thanked me and others, long since gone from the forum, who saved you from very poor control and the standard NHS dietary information for diabetics. Good god man, you are a lowcarber yourself, and it was the likes of me that showed you the way to diabetic salvation.
I joined your forum, and was swiftly banned. I joined your forum to correct another lie.
You stated on the Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:46 pm “Hence the reason why both Carbo and the idiot deny us any right of reply, Carbo and his pals particularly descend like a pack of Wolves on us if we dare to answer anything there.....so, this is our right to reply. It might die.....it might thrive.......we don't really care one way or the other.”
Yet another lie. As I stated on your forum on February the ninth.
“Ken we give anyone the right to reply on our blog. Just look at some of the idiotic comments we have posted and replied to over the last week or so. As you can imagine, the really offensive stuff goes in the shredder. Also, we are not in business of giving lunatics, a platform to progress the dietary lunacy, that has lead to over one million diabetics being classified as high risk of complications. The published NHS data confirms this. Please drop in any time, but please post as Ken or Cugila, as you know there are so many anonymous posters out there, and my blog time is limited”
Carbo has also given you the right of reply on many occasions. It goes without saying, you are most welcome here anytime to state your case. Just post as Ken or Cugila. My money is on you will never come over here, and discuss our differences. At this moment, I am considering the following. Are you a total liar, are you mentally ill, and what the hell motivates you? Please let me know.
Well, Karl Marx did say that illusory fantasies are essential in order to make the human condition bearable. But I think Ken's abusing the privilege.
Sue and I are still under attack to this day on there and the lies and made up posts abound on there.
No we don't lie about you Ken what we state are fact, when you have one of your many rants thats when the real you comes out, that showed when you were not allowed to have your own way on the Low carb forum. Since then under your many troll names you have shown youself to be an utter liar and a hypocrite. Abusing your position as a forum mod to exact spiteful revenge proved to be your eventual downfall.
Kennys blown his top again over at carbos Vile Bile Blog, the lack of fat and a starvation diet must be to blame for his ever increasing bouts of manic rants.
Ken stated on the Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:46 pm “Hence the reason why both Carbo and the idiot deny us any right of reply, Carbo and his pals particularly descend like a pack of Wolves on us if we dare to answer anything there.....so, this is our right to reply. It might die.....it might thrive.......we don't really care one way or the other.”
Yet another lie. As I stated on your forum on February the ninth.
He is a complete nutter or the biggest liar that ever drew breath !
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