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Monday 30 April 2012

Oh no, not again !!!


Lowcarb team member said...

During our time in Singapore, the local TV had a British TV series entitled the "Highlander". The plot, such as it was, concerned a species of 'immortals' - they could only be killed by beheading by one of their own - at which point - a voice over -

"There can only be one"


Lowcarb team member said...

"There can only be one"

He seems to have been banned from his own forum. Could he really be back at the big one ? Time will tell !


Anonymous said...

ABC has gone awful quiet recently too..

Anonymous said...

Daisy is keeping it going LOL.

Anonymous said...

He's the Kenster. No doubt about it. Wait for the blow up, he can't keep sane for long.

Anonymous said...

I'm foreseeing a LOT of locked threads when this all kicks off-He's testing the water over there already but no-ones took the bait so far