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Saturday 22 February 2014

Poached breast of chicken with celery

If you want a healthy and simple main course to cook at home, then this could be the one for you. The celery stock gives a great perfume and flavour to the dish and it's a great way to use up all the peelings and trimmings of celery.

4 free-range chicken breasts, skinned 
The trimmings, peelings, etc from your head of celery, chopped 
1ltr chicken stock; a good cube will do 
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

To serve

3-4 sticks of celery, peeled if stringy and cut into ½cm dice 
A handful of celery leaves
Put the celery trimmings in a saucepan with the chicken stock, bring to the boil and simmer very gently for 30 minutes, then strain through a fine-meshed sieve into another pan. Put the chicken breasts in the stock, season and simmer for 7-8 minutes.
Next, transfer the breasts on to a plate and cover tightly with clingfilm to keep warm.
Continue simmering the stock until you have about 300-400ml left, add the diced celery and simmer for 5 minutes until tender, then add the leaves and remove from the heat.
To serve, place the chicken breasts in a pasta-type bowl and spoon over the broth.

This great easy to make low carb recipe from Mark Hix taken from here.



Anonymous said...

Another good recipe idea that looks delicious, Thanks.


LeonRover said...

Is this a case of HunterGatherer turned PoacherGatherer?? !!

Lowcarb team member said...

So many people when cooking with celery throw away the 'leafy' parts. This recipe idea does encourage us to use all of it.

Similarly if you cook with leeks many recipes encourage using all of the leek including the 'leafy' parts.

Great for stocks, casseroles etc.

Here's to eating great tasting food

All the best Jan