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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Dillinger 3 Cugila nil.

Sorry folks I said we were moving on, but I could not resist this one. Old Kenny boy aka Cugila is having a run in against a copywrite lawyer. Not content with blowing both feet off in recent weeks, he is now trying to blow his own brains out, he blunders on. I know Dillinger and he is a lawyer. Special thanks to the cherub for starting the thread.



Anonymous said...

Ken said "This forum used to have high standards" and I agree with him 100%, that forum used to have high standards before he came onto the scene.
Karen aks chocfish

Anonymous said...


A recipe which is in the public domain will have little copyright in the recipe, however, you will not be able to copy the layout or any pictures as this will be deemed as copyright infringement.

This does not mean that you cannot re=wrie the recipe.

I hope this answers your question.

Read more: is it legal to download online recipes to my website - JustAnswer


Anonymous said...

Oh Dear, will he never learn.

Surely if its on the net it's for everyone to read.

If you do not want it read keep it off the net.



The other Brian said...

It's the distilled tedium of yet another pedantic cugila post.

And what is it with Ken and pork scratchings?

We need to be told.

Anonymous said...

Yet again cugila demonstrates why he was so unsuited to the role of moderator. In fact, he really ought to be banned from posting at all. The trouble is he seems to have his followers "cocked & locked" ready for his next tirade.

He questions Dillingers credentials as a lawyer, but do we know he's actually a diabetic? Or is it a case of Munchausen's syndrome?

Ka-mon has emerged as cugila MkII with posts that are similar to his leader in their almost deranged angry style.

Anonymous said...

" Ka-mon has emerged as cugila MkII with posts that are similar to his leader in their almost deranged angry style"

Ken - Millimetre - Wrunkelt - Ka-Mon?

I do like the suggestion of Munchausen's syndrome - explains a lot of the "look at, look at me" behaviour.


Anonymous said...

Bunch of senile old idiots assuming everything wrong idiots will never learn to shut your gobs and stop making yourselves look like idiots. <>

I know who Ka-Mon is and you better believe it that he definitely isn't do I know? cause he is a very good personal friend of mine....unlike Ken whom I only know from the forum and hardly would call a "friend" after banning me.

I told you before to stop making yourselves look stupid thinking that my comments were posted by Ken and now you are again making yourselves look just as stupid thinking that Ka-Mon is Ken....LOL LOL really couldn't be more wrong and stupid at the same time.

I did say in my last comment on your blog that I will [probably] will not be posting here again but will come back and read if I needed a laugh......well.....thanks for the larf fools, you really made me larf again today.


An "Old Friend".;-)

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi old friend. Please check out the link to the Priory. I am sure they can be of assistance.


Lowcarb team member said...

Old friend.

Addictions treated
Priory hospitals treat all addictions including:

• Alcohol addiction
• Alcohol dependency
• Drug dependency, drug addiction and substance misuse
• Gambling addiction
• Shopping addiction
• Co-dependency
• Sex addiction
• Internet addiction
• Dual - diagnosis (addictions and mental health problems, e.g. depression and anxiety)

One of these must cover you.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you know that site from personal experience Eddie, pity it hasn't done you any good though, you still as much a clown as you always were.

I think it's safe to say that the only time you get more than 1 comment on you blog articles is when you rave and rant. Your so-called friends expect this of you and use your blog as "anonymous" to make you even look more stupid otherwise, when you post the "Good low carb stuff" they have nothing to say, not much anyway, just one or two comments.

Why don't these so-called friend of yours open their own blogs and slag off the "High carbers"? Ever wondered about that Eddie? Why should they when they've got a fool like you to take the flak while they hide in the background.

It's nothing less than what you deserve. LOL LOL LOL

An "Old Friend". ;-)

PS: Now bring out some of those sock-puppets you used to use in the "Good old days" and give us another larf.

Anonymous said...

Its a bit much having to deal with the ordinary high carb low fat "nutters" but its gets a little trying to find sympathy for those with genuine mental problems attempting to manipulate both sides of the carb divide.

Believe me when I say WE DO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!


Anonymous said...

Simpleton Joe wrote: [quote]Oh Dear, will he never learn.

Surely if its on the net it's for everyone to read.

If you do not want it read keep it off the net.


Joe [unquote]

Dear Simpleton Joe, please read the thread, understand it, put your brain in gear and then comment....opppsss...sorry, you can't, that can only be done by the man who has his hand up your backside.

Ok, let's try again.

Dear sock-puppet,

The thread is about copying/pasting recipes/articles without giving the author/s credit for their work by not posting the link for the blog/website where the article/recipe was copied from....NOT JUST ABOUT READING THE RECIPES YOU CARB STARVED PUPPET!


An "Old Friend". ;-)

Anonymous said...

It is only out of respect for your illness that your identity has not been released.


Lowcarb team member said...

Hi again my old friend.

May I offer you some advice ? Street meds, booze and excessive masturbation ain’t gonna make it. We will never know who you are, and to be honest we don’t really care. Clearly you are getting your rocks off with your anonymous posts, if it makes you happy we will indulge you, but only once a week. Keep sending your illuminating comments in and we will post the lot once a week.

What could be more exciting ! Have you tried Amyl nitrite ?


Graham said...

"Old Friend". ;-) Thanks for showing to readers of this blog your true colours, your rant is reminiscent of that obnoxious troll wrunkelt.

And by the way we can take the flak we don't hide our names unlike the cowardly bullies that you and your ilk have proven to be.

Anonymous said...

Quote from Ka-Mon

"Some people are lucky to get sausages and mash as a Sunday meal and according to some people it's the mash that's "junk food/rubbish", the sausages are good for you because they are full of fats"

At least he's got this right only a deluded diabetic would consider mash as a viable option in their diet. Let's face it what could be better than a sizzling 97% pork sausage at 3g carbs per 100g.


Lowcarb team member said...

Bangers and mash, that's my recipe I'm suing for copywrite infringement ! Dillinger serve the papers.


The other Brian said...

Something about Ka-mon's posts reminds me of the late, great (and very banned) EricD.

Bobby Dazzla said...

If you'd like to see more evidence of Ken's mentalness, search out posts by "dipsticky" on

What a fruity loopmeister.

Anonymous said...

by dipsticky » October 10th, 2009, 11:48 pm

Who's being impersonating me then ??? There is only one Dipsticky. Been on a little holiday, back now and I find somebody has been messing around with my girl and my motor. Now,i plan to get to the bottom of this. Somebody left a Chimp's outfit outside my place the other night ? Strange.

With respect.

Bobby D said...

by dipsticky » October 13th, 2009, 9:53 pm

Bill. Business Class ? Real world here. I struggle some weeks to afford the bus fares to get around. When you are on disability benefits where do I get Air Miles, do they give them out at the Job Centre ? As for house swops, get real Bill. Do you want to swop your place for my bed - sit in a lovely run down part of my town for a few weeks. That's the real world, not some Bill Bryson tales that are wonderfully crafted, but they just don't relate to the real world that most of us have to live in. Write a book, get it published. That's what you should do. I have better things to do than keep seeing and reading about your self indulgent travel blog. I'm one of the poor people Bill, you probably see us out the corner of your eye as you waft by on the way to your next holiday in the sun on your jet. This is real life, not the sweet visions that you post here. Perhaps you think we all need cheering up ? I just feel sad !

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting the way sensible, intelligent and dignified posts from Eddie, Graham and others are met with a primeval howl of gibberish from the angry mob. It happens every time.

However, the post about the importance of Iodine may have a bearing on matters.

It's known that a deficiency of iodine can cause, what used to be known as, Cretinism. If it's also linked to diabetes well...


Lowcarb team member said...

These dipsticky posts can’t be Kens, there far too accomplished. I see he is still barking on about copywrite re a cake recipe etc. etc. Maybe Kenny and the crew could post some recipes (strict copywrite adherence of course) Stand by for another locked thread.

I suppose the big question is what is the commercial value of these recipes ……err nil, and who could claim to be the originator of ideas that have been around since the year dot. People who post on forums and blogs don’t do it for money or reward, a thank you now and again is more than enough.

Very few blog writers or forum posters would be conceited enough to believe their work was of commercial value, pay back time is what it’s all about, helping others, because others have helped us.

Off topic, but isn’t Ka-Mon good value, Beantipper material if ever I saw it.
