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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Susan Jebb and Rosemary Conley flogging Benecol and Flora pro-active !

BTW Susan's comment on cholesterol and heart disease was complete nonsense. There is no correlation of cholesterol numbers and heart disease. The comment was complete rubbish re saturated fat, this has been proved. The comments on stanols or sterols was complete balderdash !  A commenter keeps coming on the blog (probably a dietitian) telling us dietitians cannot sell products. If what we have seen in the "Embedding disabled by request"  (I wonder why they don't want it embedded ? video) is not out and out blatant selling then I'm not a diabetic.


Link to the very hard sell job here, count how many times brand name products are mentioned, Susan and Rosemary make Dell Boy look ethical, in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

OMG get cholesterol as low as you can. How unhealthy is that!

Anonymous said...

"count how many times brand name products are mentioned,"

Are you offering a prize Eddie? It's in their script and it no doubt goes with their payment. Oh, the world gets more cynical not only by the day but each hour.


Lowcarb team member said...

"Are you offering a prize Eddie?"

Yeah a 5lb keg of flora margarine and an fully paid one week course at the Susan Jebb clinic.


PS Don't forget dietitians aren't allowed to flog stuff LOL


Anonymous said...

You are mad she has not done anything - HPC rules say that HCP can only mention products if they mention alternatives. Think the video is quite balanced. Just depends where you are on the fat opinion.

Lowcarb team member said...

"You are mad"

With respect it is you who is barking, or at the very least extremely naive. Wake up !!!

Come back tomorrow it get's worse for the floggers of junk !


Lowcarb team member said...


I forgot to say thank you. You anti anons keep me motivated and loaded for bear, cool or what. Luv ya x


Anonymous said...

I know you do! Who says I am an anti?

xyzzy said...

Keep it up Eddie great series of posts imho

Lowcarb team member said...

xyzzy said...
Keep it up Eddie great series of posts imho

I think the old man will be in his bed now mate!

We've no intention of letting up we get info coming in all the time from ethical HCPs and other sources, who are appalled at the influence of big pharma and junk food companies in the drafting of health guidelines.
